Making Memories with Photography by Tabatha Hartman

Posted by Mary Clavieres on

A new interview in the Mommin' It Business Series is here! Featuring mom owned businesses that support pregnant and new moms.

Today I’m speaking with Tabatha Hartmana personal brand photography coach, that focuses on teaching others how to utilize the one thing we use most...our capture those beautiful moments of life, work, and especially our children.

Her passion for photography and her experience gives insight to new moms on how to capture those little moments that you will treasure for life.

Tell us about your business? And how do you help expecting or new moms?

I believe it is important to capture the little moments in life with your kids (they grow so fast!) I was tired of missing out on great shots because I didn't have my big Nikon with me (I truly thought that was the only thing that could take a great photograph!) I learned that by using the tool I always had in my hands (my iPhone) I wasn’t missing those moments, and they were captured so beautifully. I challenged myself to learn everything I could about using my iPhone camera to take the best photos possible. I am not a professional, I am just a mom with 20+ years of knowledge, experience and a passion for photography. (Just like you, I have my camera in my kids face all the time!) And I want to inspire other moms (like you!) to capture those little moments with your kids (whether it be those tiny little toes of your infant or your kindergartener working on making letters, or candids just living daily life). I will teach you that you don’t need some big fancy camera and equipment to capture those memories with your family! Also, I promise to not overwhelm you! Photography can easily get very technical, I want to steer clear of that and keep what I teach simple and attainable. Very soon all your friends will be asking you to take their photos because your photos will be that amazing!

What makes you unique as a mom & business owner?

There really is no one else out there doing what I do, the way I do it. I've found a lot of men to be the ones teaching about mobile photography and the material is very matter-of-fact, and not geared towards family and capturing memories. That is my focus. I want to look back on more than just the celebrations in our life. I want to look back at old photos and see the day-to-day candids we lived. You might say I'm documenting our life.

What's the hardest part of running your business and being a mom?

I would have to be honest and say consciously putting down the phone and closing the laptop. I could talk photography and pictures all day. So when I see notifications that people are asking me about a photo I posted or asking me to be a part of their Facebook Live or be a guest on their podcast, it doesn't 'feel' like work, so it can be hard to put it down. I'm aware of this, so I tend to close up shop shortly after the kids get home from school. And if I feel the need to, I will check back in after they go to bed.

What is one "messy" thing about being a mom/biz owner that you would never share in public?

There can be a lot of self-doubt at times, in both areas. Am I raising my child right? Am I creating something people are going to want? Yes to both. We are our own worst critic in all areas of life, including motherhood and being business owners. It's hard to admit, but at first my husband had more confidence in me and my abilities than I did in myself when it came to my ideas and my business. As moms, and as business owners we need to realize that it is ok to ask for help and bounce ideas off of someone else.

What's your favorite thing about being a mom/biz owner?

I love that I get to be home with my kids and I never have to miss the mornings, or dinners or after school activities. I can be there if they are sick at school and have to come home. It has been a dream of mine for as long as I could remember, and definitely since I had my daughter a little over 11 years ago. I love the flexibility in my business. And for the most part, my subjects are my own kids, so they are there for the journey and I will have beautiful photos to look back on. Also, my older two girls see me working and building a business from the ground up, so they are getting a taste of the entrepreneurial world as kids!

Why did you start your business?

I realized that the best camera was the one I had with me, and that didn't have to be my Nikon. (and truth be told, I could never get out of automatic mode!) After I challenged myself to only use my iPhone for all of my photos, I quickly realized it potential. And that I could teach others that they too could take amazing photos only using their phone. I started to write down my ideas for a digital course and hired a branding coach to help get me organized. I believe everyone deserves to know how to take a great photo.

What advice and words of encouragement would you give to expecting or new moms? 

You are doing a great job, even if you think you aren't. My mom once told me that if you are questioning whether or not you are doing a good job as a mother, then you are. Motherhood doesn't come with a manual. If only you were handled a 'how-to' guide as you left the hospital with your new tiny human. Don't be afraid to ask for help, or ask questions. None of us have all the answers, but we have experience.

How has motherhood changed you?

For sure it has changed me. I'm not a very good cook (ok, I don't like to cook) but I've had to learn to make things other than chicken nuggets because I can't serve that for dinner every night. You are no longer caring for just yourself. You have a whole other human life to think about, care for, raise to be another decent human. It's a big job!

What is one toy, item, product, book, resource, podcast that you would recommend to a new or expecting mom? 

I would recommend First Time Parent Magazine. You can download it from your app store. They have great interviews with experts in various fields regarding parenting and kids. It's free to download, but you can subscribe and get some extra perks!

About Tabatha Hartman

Tabatha is a wife, mom, step-mom and a lover of all coffee. She lives on the east coast of central Florida, but was raised in the colder waters of Massachusetts. She is pretty sure she was born with a camera in her hand (it was probably disposable, it was the early 80's she mentions lol). In addition to her 2 kids and her 2 step-kids, she has a dog, 3 cats, 1 hamster and 1 gerbil.

Find Tabatha Hartman here:



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Freebie: The Secret to a Perfect iPhone Shot Every Time


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