MEMEENO - An Interview with S. Alie Al-Jadda

Posted by Mary Clavieres on

A new interview in the Mommin' It Business Series is here! Featuring mom owned businesses that support pregnant and new moms.

Today I’m speaking with S. Alie Al-Jadda, owner of MEMEENO. Alie is  a certified pediatric sleep consultant and mother of two. She loves to work with parents and their children to go through an extensive learning and assessment process to help guide them towards achieving their sleep goals.

Tell us about your business. How do you help expecting or new moms?

MEMEENO is a luxe baby essentials company whose flagship product is the baby belly band to help baby's digestive system grow and develop and ease tummy aches and colic.

Our products are aimed to help parents care, comfort and connect with their little ones. As a recently certified pediatric sleep consultant, I am also interested in helping parents find restful sleep for their babies and themselves.
So I developed a small mini-course to help parents gain more knowledge about their child's sleep cycles and how to created an optimized environment for healthy, restful, quality sleep.

What makes you unique as a mom & business owner?

I am a mother of a premie. I developed preeclampsia at 7 months and had to deliver early. So my experience with my daughter is what brought me to where I am now. That first hand knowledge inspired me to help others who may have gone what I have gone through.

What's the hardest part of running your business and being a mom?

Being able to control my work time so it doesn't fall into the time I have with my kids. I am always trying to finish everything before the kids come from school or their practices or games.

My 6 year-old son will sometimes tell me, "Your orders are more important than us!" The guilt is real. But I have learned to slow down and not want the fast wins.

Take time doing things because there will always be work but my kids will grow older and I don't want them to remember me staring into the screen while they needed me most.

What is one "messy" thing about being a mom/biz owner that you would never share in public?

Burnout is a real and recurring. It's effected me and my family. But I've come to understand when I am feeling overwhelmed and how to deal with it.
When I feel I'm at that place I dial things down, give myself some space, ask for help and reenergize. As a business owner, being able to keep my eye on the goal and the process required to get me there helps a lot, even if it can be stressful at times.

What's your favorite thing about being a mom/biz owner?

I love seeing all the babies being helped and enjoying my products.

What advice and words of encouragement would you give to expecting or new moms? 

Take it slow and give yourself grace after having your baby. Enjoy the quiet and the loud moments with them.
Nurturing another human being is a blessing, but it is not easy and yes, it will suck the energy out of you at times. But when you see it as a source of joy and excitement, your life will be more joyful.

How has motherhood changed you?

Of course, it changes everyone around the child. I think I have become more in tune with who I am, others are around me and with nature. There is always an innate need to nurture and to help that I felt since the birth of my first child. I had never felt that as a student or in my career.

What is one toy, item, product, book, resource, podcast that you would recommend to a new or expecting mom? 

Unruffled Podcast

About S. Alie Al-Jadda

S. Alie Al-Jadda, owner of MEMEENO, is a certified pediatric sleep consultant and mother of two, I love to work with parents and their children to go through an extensive learning and assessment process to help guide them towards achieving their sleep goals.
She started her business after her second child. She wanted to go back to work but not in a formal way. She decided that she  wanted to do something from home and had been thinking about how she can do that. 


Find S. Alie Al-Jadda:


Facebook: MEMEENO

Instagram: @mymemeeno

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