Exclusively Pumping with Sandy Green of Taking Care of Mama

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A new interview in the Mommin' It Business Series is here! Featuring mom owned businesses that support pregnant and new moms.

Today I’m speaking with Sandy Green, founder of Taking Care of Mama, who provides training and services exclusively pumping moms

I first met Sandy through a mutual friend and let me tell you, when I found out she works with pumping mamas, I wished I’d known her when I had my first daughter! As someone that exclusively pumped for 6 months, having professional support in this capacity would have been amazing.

As Sandy points out on her website, “pumping moms do double-duty every day. You breastfeed and bottle feed. You worry about supply and using formula correctly. You cut your favorite foods out of your diet and clean your pump parts every night.” There’s definitely a lot going on when you exclusively pump and I wanted to highlight this for any of the exclusively pumping mamas out there. 

Whether you’re exclusively pumping now, or considering it for the future, learn more about the process below. And now, onto the interview with Sandy!

What does your business do? How do you help expecting or new moms

I help moms pumping breast milk make their daily pumping routines easy while maximizing their milk supply through my online program, Empowered Pumping. Through short videos, printable resources, and live coaching, moms learn to drop pump anxiety and get back to prioritizing what matters most in their lives. Taking Care of Mama's Empowered Pumping program is unique because we take all of the one-size-fits-all technical advice that is floating around online and help moms personalize and customize that advice to fit their needs and lifestyle.

Why did you start your business? 

I love new moms. There's no experience in the world like the first few weeks and months of motherhood. It's scary and exciting and you've never felt more love or anxiety in your life! I wanted to create a business where I could embrace new moms and give them tools to have successful postpartum experiences.

What advice would you give to expecting or new moms?

It's ok to not enjoy every moment, this stuff is hard. But try to soak in those beautiful moments as much as you can. Because everything in life is only for now - both the beauty and the struggles.

Can you please share some common questions about pumping?

1. How long should I pump for?
    • The general goal for exclusive pumping is 120 minutes (2 hours) each day. That means about 15 minutes per pump for 8 pumps per day
    2. When should I pump?
    • You can pump on your own schedule by setting an alarm (for example, every 2-3 hours with a newborn) or on demand. On demand would mean you pump after your baby's feeding
    3. How often should I pump?
    • Your body makes milk based on supply and demand. Remove milk frequently by starting as soon after delivery as possible and between 8-12 times each day. 12 times is incredibly hard, so anything more than 8 is great!

    Get more pumping tips from Sandy here.

    How has motherhood changed you (if at all)?

    Motherhood has given me a mirror to see myself in a way I never had before. It has changed me in all the best ways and I feel so honored for the responsibility of raising two young girls.

    About Sandy Green

    As a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), Postpartum Doula (CAPPA), and Health Coach (ACE), Sandy uses her personal experience and professional expertise to help moms all over the world have successful and positive postpartum and pumping experiences.​ Sandy was inspired to do this work after exclusively pumping for her son. She was surprised by how difficult it was to find a professional who had a deep understanding of the particular needs of new moms who are also pumping. Sandy's goal is to fill that gap and ensure that all breastfeeding moms have positive experiences and find the support they need.

    Find Taking Care of Mama here


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